
"The main reason for doing less good and more evil is relying on the hope of a long life, this is because a person continues to procrastinate performing good deeds and refraining from evil deeds.

He who hopes to wake up in the morning will not do much at night, and he who hopes to travel during the day will travel much at night. However, he who sees death to be near works hard during his life. Allah's Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Perform prayer as if you were departing."

Some of the Salaf said: "Beware of procrastination, for it is one of devil's strongest weapons."

A disciplined person prepares for his journey, while a procrastinator doesn't. So when it comes time to travel the disciplined person feels happy while the procrastinator feels that he is in trouble. This is how people are. Some are alert, so when the Angel of Death comes they do not feel guilty. Others are not disciplined, so they feel agony when it comes time to travel.

- Taken from "The Devil's Deception (Talbis Iblis)" by Imaam ibn al-Jawzi (rahimahullah) p.538


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