Do not warn against Dammaaj!

Advice of Shaikh Abu Amr Al-Hajooree (hafidhUllaah)

Questioner: Is it permissible for us to warn against the callers that defame Dammaaj? BarakaAllahu Feekum.

Shaikh Abu Amr Al-Hajooree: 

Dammaaj, as you heard, Dammaaj is Dar-Sunna, and founded upon the Sunna. And from the time it was established, and it teaches the Book and the Sunna. And it is not known, with the praise of Allah subhanahu wa taa’la, that one bidaa is spread in Dammaaj or taught in Dammaj, but truly the foundations of the Book and Sunna are taught. And warning against Dammaaj, is not from its walls and not because it was built from pieces of wood and rocks and cement and not from its trees, but truly it is warning against the good that is in it (Dammaj). 

Upon this, the one that warns against this is considered warning against good, and the sign of the people of bidaa is backbiting the people of Athar. So, yes, whoever warns against this Daar and it is Dar-Sunna; then yes, verily one should be cautious of him and he is warned against; one should not come close to him. And we always repeat to them, “Bring just one issue”, as for the lie, Haddaadia! 

They, some days ago, were saying, “They are harsh”, I mean the Ikhwan muslimeen. And some days ago they were saying, “They are extreme,” and there are some of Ahul-Bidaa that have not ceased to say, “They are Mujassima.” And some of them say, “They are Hashawiyyah.” The Murji’a have not ceased to accuse us of ghluuw, and the extreme Khawaarij have not ceased to accuse us of irjaa. This is a lot, there are many names. Ahul-Bidaa, all of the sects of Ahul-Bidaa hurl names at Ahul-Sunna. Ahul-Sunna are in the middle, so it does not harm us when they said, “Haddaadia” or whatever they said. So we say to them as Allah subhanu wa ta’ala said (translation of meaning), “Say, Bring your proof if you are truthful”. Bring just one issue in which we resemble Al-Haddaad or agree with Al-Haddaad if you are truthful, and if not we say to them, “You are liars.” And upon this, as you heard, whoever warns against Dammaaj then verily he warns against the Book and the Sunna which are taught in Dammaaj and not other than that, and nothing but that. 

As for them warning against the wood, Oh my brother, why these sinners have not warned against the university founded in Saudi? Say to them, even one of them, he speaks literally one word! The University of intermingling which contains evil, not one of them has spoken with one word! What is with them, they have not spoken about the call to the unity of religions that is called to in the country of Haramain; those which claim they are the callers of Ahul-Sunna. Where are they? They do not speak about Safar Al-Hawali, Salman Al-Audaa, and Aa’ed Al-Qarni, and they are from the heads of Ahul –Bidaa. Where are they, they are quiet about them! But they warn against Ahul-Sunna, and this shows you that verily there is a disease in their hearts.



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