Food for Thought, not for Stomachs

It is reported that Aboo Al-Darda` – Allaah be pleased with him – used to say, 

“Learn knowledge before it is taken way, and it is taken away by its people (scholars) being taken away. The scholar and the student are partners in good and there is no good in any other people. The richest of men is the knowledgeable man whose knowledge is needed: he benefits those who need him and if done without, he benefits himself with the knowledge Allaah ‘azza wa jalla has placed with him. So how is it I see your scholars dying yet the ignorant amongst you not learning? I fear that the predecessor will depart and the successor will not learn. If the scholar studies, he only increases in knowledge, and he does not take anything away from knowledge. And if the ignorant studies, he will find knowledge firm and established. So how is it that I see you full up with food, yet starved of knowledge?”

Ibn ‘Abd Al-Barr, Jaami’ Bayaan Al-‘Ilm wa Fadlihi Vol. 2 p233.


  1. Asalamu alaikum,

    JazakAllah khiar for sharing.

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