Friday Reminder

Upon the authority of 'Anas ibn Maalik (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) who said that the Messenger of Allaah, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said:

"Indeed in Jannah there is a market that will be attended (by the inhabitants of Jannah) every Jumu'ah, wherein a breeze will blow upon them from the north, it will blow in their faces and upon their garments and they will increase in good looks and beauty (due to it). They will return to their families who would also have become more good looking and beautiful. Their families will say to them 'By Allaah! you have become more good looking and beautiful since you have left us! and they will say back to them: 'And you By Allaah have become more good looking and beautiful since we have left out!' version mentions at its end '..and that is every Jumu'ah!'

[Saheeh Muslim]


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