We have to return to sanity...


Assalama 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatu, please read the following article by Br. Musa Millington, may Allaah preserve him, aameen. 

A great advice on adhering to the Qur'aan and Sunnah and abandoning desires...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
There is a Hadeeth of the Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم) which states: “Two hungry wolves sent upon sheep is not more dangerous to a person’s religion than his seeking for wealth and status“.
Sometimes when we read a Hadeeth we do not reflect upon the meaning that it carries. And we do not understand how serious it is.
I did some research on wolves and their hunting methods. Wolves are animals that have extra-ordinary speed and strength and have the capability to destroy large animals like the caribou, the elk, bears etc. Also wolves generally hunt in packs and their methods of hunting involve trickery and deception.
Now, I am not putting this as a research on wolves. Rather I am writing this to show that we as people who claim to ascribe to the way of the Salaf need to return to sanity.
The lust for power has overwhelmed many in this Da’wah and the trials occur one after the other, wave after wave. The waves overcame some to the extent that they left Salafeeyah or left Islam all-together. Some are on their last breath trying to make it and some have the strength to remain firm throughout these trials.
And what is happening does not help. Because of our lust for power we skip from Shaikh to Shaikh to Shaikh to gain approval and consolidate our position in the da’wah. When it is that what determines our position is our adherence to the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم) nothing else.
Some of us we go to the extent that even if the Sunnah and the principles are clear on an issue we still run to a particular scholar in order to get a ruling contradictory to it. Are we not satisfied with the book of Allah ta’ala and the Sunnah of the Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم) ? Or are we like the hypocrites that when we hear the words of Allah and the Sunnah of the most truthful of men we seek turn mankind away from it with the words: “Shaikh Fulaan Ibn Fulaan said”
May Allah have mercy on our Shaikh Saalih Al Fawzaan who was asked the following:
يقول السائل : انتشر عند كثير من طلبة العلم فتوى بجواز الجمع للطّلاب المسافرين ، فجعل هؤلاء الطلاب ينامون عن الصلاة والصلاتين ثم يجمعونها استنادا إلى مثل تلك الفتوى ؟
Question: It has become widespread among many students of knowledge the verdict of joining the prayer for travelling students. Hence these students started to sleep away from the prayer and two prayers and thereafter join both because of their dependence on such a Fatwa.
الدين ما يؤخذ عن الفتاوى يا إخوان، الفتاوى تخطئ و تصيب، الدين يؤخذ من الادلة ومن كلام أهل العلم المستند إلى الأدلة الصحيحة، وهذا دين لا يفرق به ويتلاعب به لأن فلان أفتى بكذا وكذا، فهؤلاء مخطئون مضيعون لدينهم ولا تنفعهم هذه الفتوى عند الله سبحانه وتعالى
Shaikh Salih Al Fawzaan answered: The religion (deen) is not taken from verdicts my brothers since there are verdicts which are either correct or incorrect. The religion is taken from the evidences and the speech of the people of knowledge which is based upon evidencesAnd this is religion, one does not divide it and play with it because such and such a person gave such and such verdict.Such people are incorrect and have wasted away their religion and these verdicts do not benefit them in front of Allah

(My words)

Ikhwaan Wal Akhawaat look at the Hadeeth again. Many of us have become like animals. Worse than that we have become worse than two hungry wolves set after sheep. Because we crave so much for power the verses, the Ahadeeth and the speech of the Salaf do not have an effect upon us. Rather the only thing that we are pleased with nowadays is what goes in tandem with our desires and motives.

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said in a Hadeeth of Hudhaifah in Muslim about those who would have the black hearts with the trials:
“لا يعرف معروفا و لا ينكر منكرا إلا ما أشرب من هواه”
He would neither know good nor would he dislike the evil except what his desires have drunk.

When are we going to return from this reprehensible behaviour? Are we going to be like the one who the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) has mentioned? Or are we going to be from the ones whose desires go according to the evidences even in times of difficulty?
With all of this we say we have so many Salafis but where is the quality? How many have memorized the Qur’an? How many have memorized Lu’ Lu’ Wal Marjaan or Saheeh Muslim or Saheeh Al Bukhari? How many Salafis can recite the Qur’an with Tajweed? How many Salafis really know about Tawheed? It seems that once we or our crew have a Tazkeeyah (appraisal) from a Shaikh or some Shaikhs we have reached to the pinnacle of our existence when Allah has said:
“و ما خلقت الجن و الإنس إلا ليعبدون”
And I have not created Jinn and mankind except to worship me.
May Allah take us away from this insane behaviour and make us from those who are his humble servants. As the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: “It is possible that a person with unkept hair who has dust upon him and goes from door to door and is rejected if he swears upon Allah, Allah will answer him“.

And we ask Allah’s help.


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