
Al-Isti’anah: And the istiaanah that is not permissible is that which is directed to other than Allaah.  It is isti’aanah with the creation in that which no one is able to grant besides Allaah the Mighty and Majestic.  So when this isti’aanah  is directed towards other than Allaah, like the one who appeals for aid and assistance to the creation, whether they are living or dead, for a child of noble breed, or bringing about sustenance, removing a disease, giving security to the one living in fear, fulfilling a need and other than that from that which no one is able to grant besides Allaah.  This is what was done by the polytheists and idolaters, even though they lived amongst the Muslims.  So this is major Shirk.

Do to the magnificence of its affair, Allaah the Glorified and Exalted counted it in directing the servants towards Himself in His statement,

“Only You do we worship and only You do we appeal to for aid and assistance.” [Sooratul-Faatihah 1:5]

That is, we do not worship anyone besides You (Allaah), and we do not seek assistance from anyone besides You.  And this is a promise from the servant and a contract that has been confirmed between him and his Lord.  So whoever fulfills the obligation, then he will have the best reward and whosoever breaks a contract, then he has only broken it against himself.

As for isti’aanah with the creation that are living with regards to that which the creation are capable of granting, despite the hearts remaining connected to Allaah the Mighty and Majestic and considering the helper a cause only; then there is no prohibition in this.  The example of this is when a person gives you some wealth, or provides one of the necessities of life for you, or he builds for you a building and the likes of that from the affairs in which one is permitted to seek the aid of other than Allaah the Blessed and Exalted, because these are not from the manifestations of Shirk.  And these are not from the examples of Shirk.

Source: The Path to Attaining Clarification reagrding Three Fundamental Priciples - by Shaykh Rabee bin Hadee Al-Madkhalee [PDF] 114 Pages – troid.orgAnd from the types of worship is al-isti’aanah (appealing for aid and assistance).


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